
Excited arachnophilia
Excited arachnophilia

excited arachnophilia
  1. Excited arachnophilia archive#
  2. Excited arachnophilia series#

As different spiders from different species weave in the same space, bridging the architectures of each other’s webs, each one of them tells a story of hybrid relationships, entangling not only different arachnid webbed ecosystems, but also human and more-than-human worlds. Formed of complex interwoven networks suspended in air, the Hybrid Webs unique architectures originate from inter-specific encounters between unrelated solitary, social and semi-social spider species.

Excited arachnophilia archive#

Mapping against extinction: The Archive of Spider/Web Ecologies 3-Dimensional Digital Archive of Spider/Web Typologies 3-Dimensional Physical Archive of Spider/Web Typologies

excited arachnophilia

2-Dimensional Archive of Spider/Web Prints We ask for your collaboration as we seek to expand these archives, in a collective effort to raise awareness of our invertebrate kin. Just like the spider/web, these archives are not static but dynamic, and continue to grow and change shape. Through this website, these archives are made available to the interested public, to advance understanding and possibilities for thinking with the spider/web.

Excited arachnophilia series#

Through this interest in the form, function and possibilities of invertebrate architectures, Studio Tomás Saraceno has carefully built a series of spider/web archives, that allow insights into the various spider/web typologies that exist, and allow us to imagine new ways to interpret and understand these living architectures and assemblages, through the lens of multiple disciplines of thought. According to numerous studies that have argued that the web is an extension of the spider’s sensory and also cognitive systems - our approach is not to consider the web as separate to the web-building spider, but a living material assemblage we think of in terms of the conjunctive neologism: the spider/web. Too bad it's not premium sound engineering.Since 2006, Tomás Saraceno has been articulating a shift in focus, to unfold arachnid research from the perspective of the web. I was excited when I saw it was going to be premium quality. My Queens of the Stone Age heavyweight 45 RPM sounds amazing (my best-sounding record by far), so it's disappointing that the Kezia-X one couldn't be as well. Yes, 45 RPM heavyweight vinyl is sort of an audiophile thing, I believe. Like Clockwork).~~ I got these numbers backwards (my turntable has the speed buttons mislabeled). I actually only have one 33 1/3 (QOTSA. The majority of my new issue vinyls are 45, including my Volition. Who does it say it was remastered by?Įdit: ~~And for the record, 45 RPM isn't that strange.

excited arachnophilia

I'm also super disappointed that the Kezia remaster sucks! Damn. Let the band know (maybe by email?) and hopefully this won't be a $50 learning experience for you. I also waited on Kezia-X for the same reason. I narrowly avoided a Nirvana remaster that was basically ear-garbage thanks to Amazon reviews. I just recently learned that the quality of any remaster is heavily dependent on the individual that actually did it. Regardless I think I'm gonna keep it cause it still sounds pretty good.Īgain sorry for annoying this sub with yet another Demon Days post I just can't quite see my one fitting the particulars of other posts of reissues/bootlegs.Įdit: This was the page where I bought it Wondering if anyone can ID whether it's legit or whether I got ripped off. I wasn't delighted with how it was wrapped for shipping, it was just put in an old food box and sellotaped. What's interesting if the disc seems to also be in packaging so its not second hand. I've played it through and it seems to be all there. Here is an album I've made of detailed images of the album. I recalled reading on here about there being a lot of bootlegs of this guy around so I figured for €25 it wasn't a massive risk.Īnyway, it finally arrived today. For some reason once purchased it said the delivery date wasn't until May 15th, nearly two months away. Ok so about 2 months ago I saw Demon Days pop up on Amazon UK.

Excited arachnophilia